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*For best results 4-8 sessions are recommended*

What to expect

Your skin will be red/flushed (possible swelling) for the first 24 hours

  • Skin may feel like mild sunburn/tight/itchy

  • Days following, your skin may become dry, peel or breakout. You may experience red dots or a rash

  • Within 4-5 days you can expect a full recovery

  • Within 3 weeks improvement in pigmentation

  • 4-6 improvement in lines, wrinkles & scarring begins


Recovery Timeline*

60 mins - Reddening & possible spot bleeding

24 Hrs - Redding, rash, red dots, minor swelling

1-2 Days - Rash, red dots, reduced swelling, minor itching, dry/tight sensation

2-3 Days - Reduced rash, red dots reduced, swelling lessened, reduced itching, minor skin itching

3-4 Days - Dryness/Flaking

4-5 Days - Full recovery with normalised function

3 Weeks - Improvement in pigmentation begins

4-6 weeks - Improvements in lines, wrinkles and scarring begins.


*These are a general guide, everyone's skin differs and therefore so do the outcomes/ reactions.



  • Don't wear make up for at least 24-72hrs, clean brushes/sponges before use.

  • Avoid touching your face, wash your hands before you do

  • Avoid direct sun, saunas, steam, swimming or strenuous exercise for 72hrs.

  • Don't wash your face for at least 48-72hrs & only use a gentle cleanser when you do (no harsh chemicals/acids/ retinol for the 1st week)

  • Wear a high factor sunscreen when going out & keep the skin well hydrated by drinking plenty of water & using hydrating products such as Hyaluronic acid.

  • Omega & Vitamin C Supplements can be taken to support the treatment.




* Zero downtime facial but these are recommended for optimum results*

  • Ideally leave your face untouched & unwashed for at least 6hrs post treatment

  • Avoid intense heat, sun exposure, & strenuous activities for at least 24hrs

  • Avoid wearing make-up for 24-48hrs.

  • Wear a high 30+ sunscreen

  • Refrain from waxing, exfoliation or harsh chemicals (retinol/ aha's...) for 48hrs

Chemical Peels

What to expect

  • Your skin may feel warm/ tingly

  • You may have slight redness to the skin

  • Your skin may become dry, flake & peel*
    (*very slightly and not always) in the next few days, this is your skin reacting & forming a protective barrier

  • Your skin may 'breakout' / purge over the next few days (this is normal and a release of toxins)

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Chemical Peels


  • Do not tweeze, pick, rub, exfoliate, wax, use a depilatory on skin for at least a week

  • Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for at least 48hrs.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure, heat/ saunas.

  • Wear SPF 30+ every day

  • Do not use harsh products that contain aha, glycolic, retinol

  • Use a gentle, un scented moisturiser to keep skin hydrated

  • Wash face using cool/ like warm water and a gentle cleanser

  • Only lightly exfoliate 3-5 days post treatment if needed

Polynucleotides & Skin Boosters 


After the treatment, we do not recommend touching / massaging / messing with the area. This is not only for infection control, but also so the product stays in the same place it was injected. You can also apply arnica cream, to help with any bruising. Anything else, such as redness and lumps should subside within a few hours after the treatment, however this could be more depending on the person and how fast they heal.


What to expect

After the treatment, as well as with any needling treatment,

expect the following:

  • Bruises

  • Redness

  • Swelling

  • Lumps/ bumps that will disperse in time

  • Tenderness

These side affects are completely normal, and as with most other treatments, all swelling, bruising etc., should go down in 2 weeks. You should be up to date with your complications and how to deal with them, but things to be concerned about, are things such as :

  • Pain, that is getting more severe over time

  • Paleness that is spreading

  • Severe bruising

  • The area is hot to touch



What to expect

Procedure Day

● The area will feel hot, a bit like sunburn.

● Mild swelling will start to occur.

● Leave the skin to rest (do nothing)

● Take some paracetamol every 3 hours

● Rest as much as possible

● Drink 2 litres of water (Daily)

● Do not touch!

● Keep hands clean

● Keep out of the sun

● Wearing a hat is recommended throughout the healing process


Day 1 


● Swelling can be severe (especially around the eyes)

● Slight weeping can occur (mainly around the eyes)

● Area may still feel hot & sore

● The area can feel tight

● Rinse area under a low-pressure shower with lukewarm water

● Drip dry (no towel)

● Dry heal applying nothing to the area but water

● Keep out of the sun

● Drink 2 litres of water (Daily)

● Avoid anti-inflammatories

Day 2 


● Swelling can increase

● Tightness can worsen

● Skin will feel dry

● Rinse again in a low-pressure shower with lukewarm water (no more than twice a day)

● Drip dry (no towel)

● Dry heal - applying nothing to the area but water

● Keep out of the sun

● Drink 2litres of water (Daily)

Days 3 -5

● Swelling will start to subside

● Skin will feel tight and dry

● Skin can start to feel itchy

● Again, rinse the area in the shower up to twice a day

● Drip dry

● Do NOT touch or scratch the area

● Keep out of the sun


Day 5-7 


● Itching can be aggressive

● Skin will feel dryer and tighter

● Carbon crust will start to naturally fall off

● The new skin underneath can look pink

● Rinse the area in the shower

● Dry healing is still required

● Do not be tempted to scratch or touch the area

● Do not force the crusts off

Day 7-10 


● Most, if not all of the carbon crusts will have naturally fallen off.

● Brand new skin may appear pink for a week or so

● You may see up to 50% of the results at this stage

● You are about to enter stage two of the healing process which lasts up to the remaining 11 weeks.

● Once the carbon crust has fallen, you can return to your skincare routine and apply makeup if you wish.

● Sun cream should be applied often.

● In hot weather wear a hat


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